China Trademark

China Trademark

The trademark between Taiwan and China

    Taiwan China
1 Applicant eligibility Any natural person, legal entity, organization, government institution Any natural person, legal entity or other organization
2 Trademark type Consist of words, designs, symbols, colors, three-dimensional shapes, motions, holograms, sounds, or any combination thereof Consist of words, designs, letters of an alphabet, numerals, three-dimensional symbols, combinations of colors, sounds, or any combination thereof
3 Censorship Examination Examination
4 Period of validity 10 years from the date of publication of registration 10 years from the date of approval of the registration
5 Renewal A request for renewal of the trademark right shall be made, and the renewal fee paid, within six months before the expiry of the period of the trademark right Same as left
6 Use of regulation The registration of a trademark will be revoked if the trademark has not yet been put to use or such use has been suspended for a continuous period of not less than three years without proper reasons for non-use, unless the trademark has been put to use by a licensee Same as left
7 Infringement remedy Litigation with the court

Not only litigation with the court, but also prepare infringement evidence to file a complaint to

Industry and commerce administrative department